Social Media Management
Case Study
Kementerian Luar Negeri
The Ministry of Foreign of the Republic of Indonesia also known as Kemlu RI. Responsible for conducting foreign relations. They would like to spread awareness about diplomacy to Indonesian citizens through social media.
Problem : Social Media account of Kementerian Luar Negeri still didn’t get much intentions from the public. They want to spread every activity, events, and public policies to make everything transparent, so the public could see and assess what their ministry does and make an impact for the success of Indonesia’s foreign policy.
Result: 386.982 views.

Ombudsman Republik Indonesia
Ombudsman Republik Indonesia is present to supervise the implementation of public services organized by state and government administrators, which include BUMN and private and individual bodies assigned the task of administering certain public services. They would like to share their activities through social media and receive public complaints.
Problem: Ombudsman started to feel that the public still didn’t know how to complain about public service by the government, so they decided to optimize their social media to reach and tell the public about the Ombudsman job and function.
- +21.924 Instagram followers
- 1.286.215 impressions in instagram
- +34.424 followers in twitter
- 855.020 impressions in twitter
- +2.822 subscribers
- +1.987 followers in facebook

SKK Migas
Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi also known as SKK Migas. They are responsible for carrying out the management of upstream oil and gas business activities based on the Cooperation Contract.
Problem: SKK Migas faced some problems about difficulty in reaching and engaging with target audiences. So they decided to optimize their social media, social media platforms provide a cost-effective way for companies to reach and engage with their target audiences. Without social media, companies may struggle to effectively communicate with potential customers.
- 11.9% Engagement Rate